Auto-renewal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Auto-renewal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below is a list of frequently asked questions. Click on the question to go see the answer. If you still have questions and/or need assistance, our membership team is here to help. You can reach us at or 609-832-3000.


What is auto-renewal?

Auto-renewal is a convenient feature that automatically renews your membership each year using a saved payment method. This ensures continuous access to all member benefits without interruption. It removes the burden of having to go into your APSHO account and renew manually.

What does this update do?

This update changes your membership to an auto-renewal system, meaning your membership will be automatically renewed at the end of each term using your credit card information on file, unless you choose to opt out.

What are the benefits of auto-renewal?

The most common reason APSHO members do not renew their membership is that they forgot or didn’t have time to renew. We know your time is valuable. Auto-renewal ensures that you do not experience any lapse in your membership benefits, such as access to the professional community, exclusive resources, events, and professional development opportunities. It also saves you time and the hassle of manually renewing each term.

When does this change take effect?

The auto-renewal change will begin on October 7, 2024. Your renewal date will not change. You will not be charged until your renewal date, and you will be notified before your renewal date.

Who will be affected by this change?

All current and future members, whether joining or renewing, will have their membership choices set to auto-renewal. We will still offer 1-year and 2-year Professional Memberships with auto-renewal, as well as a 1-year Associate Membership with auto-renewal. The 2-year auto-renewal will continue to offer you a greater discount on your membership.

When will my membership auto-renew?

Your membership will auto-renew on the expiration date of your current membership term. You will receive a notification email 30 days before the renewal date. You will always have the choice to cancel your membership by not renewing.

How will I be notified about the auto-renewal?

You will receive an email notification 30 days before your membership is set to auto-renew. This email will include the (renewal date, the amount to be charged, and instructions on how to update or cancel your membership if needed.)

Can I opt out of auto-renewal?

Yes, you can opt out of auto-renewal at any time by log in into your Member Profile and delete the “Open (Awaiting Auto-Bill)” from the Manage Profile page. Within the “Invoicing, Payments, & History” tab, select “Membership.” There will be a red “x” next to “Open (Awaiting Auto-Bill)” invoice. Once this is selected, it will cancel the auto-bill. (see the screenshot example below). Then click “OK” in the pop-up prompt. The auto-bill will be canceled and your credit card will not be charged. These steps will need to be completed each renewal year if opting out of membership auto-renewal is desired.

How do I update my credit card information?

You can update your credit card information by logging into your member account and navigating to the payment settings section. Follow the prompts to update your payment details.

What if my credit card is declined during the auto-renewal process?

If your credit card is declined, you will receive an email notification with instructions on how to update your payment information. You can update your payment source at any time by logging into your member account and updating your payment details.

Can I get a refund if I forget to cancel my auto-renewal?

You will be able to cancel your membership payment before the auto renewal date. Generally, membership dues are non-refundable. We will be notifying you 30 days prior to your renewal date. If you have any questions, you may contact us at

Will the auto-renewal cost be the same as my initial membership fee?

There will not be any additional auto-renewal cost. You will only be charged with the current membership rate. Any changes in membership fees will be communicated to you in advance.

How do I cancel my membership?

Log in into your Member Profile and delete the “Open (Awaiting Auto-Bill)” from the Manage Profile page. Within the “Invoicing, Payments, & History” tab, select “Membership.” There will be a red “x” next to “Open (Awaiting Auto-Bill)” invoice. Once this is selected, it will cancel the auto-bill.

Can I change my membership term with auto-renewal?

Yes, you can change your membership term by logging into your member account and updating your membership plan preferences before the renewal date.

What if I am in an APSHO Institutional Membership?

If you are part of an APSHO Institutional Membership, this will not apply to you, as your Institution is responsible for your renewal. If you want to learn more about APSHO Institutional Membership, you can contact us at

How secure is my credit card information?

We take the security of your payment information seriously. Our payment processing system is compliant with industry standards and regulations to ensure your data is protected.